So Remy Ma- the bitch that walks around with a two-tone weave as if it's a good look was found guilty of shooting her girl in the stomach. If I were a gangsta bitch, I would make sure that whatever transgression I made against the law, I can eat that charge up so quick that no one would even remember it for a second. That's really gangsta. Being gangsta aint howling loud enuff for me to hear you all the way from Joburg, South Africa. Yeah, she cried like a little bitch when they told her she faces 25 yrs. Dumb Bitch. lol@ Papoose tryina make an honest woman out of her skank ass before she goes to jail - you gotta love this Ghetto Love Story. Why don't hood moms teach their daughters how to be ladies? I mean, I'm somewhat rough around the edges but if I need your ass shot up, I'll make a call and it'll be done. I don't need to do the damn shit myself. Real bosses have minions. I got mines...
In other ghetto ridiculous (in this case, ghetto fabulous more called for) news... Trina aka the one who said Tha Baby, has her album "Still The Baddest dropping this week. No doubt there'll be a song in there somewhere dedicated to Weezy F. Baby, Please Say the Baby- I wonder if she ever got rid of that Wayne tat that she got back in '06. Shouts out to YBF for the pic.

And now for the Ghetto Ridiculous...Scuse my French but...
Hov is always going on about how Beans is his boy and blah, blah, blah and he's gonna free Sigel but how do you go about saving someone who clearly doesn't wanna be saved? He knows that he's got all that Jay money waiting for him so he's got the junkie brother/drunken uncle syndrome- he's got enuff money so he doesn't feel like he has to work too hard. He's gonna keep fuckin up til someone actually gets his mind right... Shouts out to the really ghetto mothafucka that keeps going back to jail...You can't blame this one on his environment, so now I'm just gonna put it down to a case of Natural Selection. All I have to say to Jay right now is that his boy is on a path of self destruction and instead of rapping about it, he should Free Sigel. They tried to make him go to rehab & he said no, no, NO! Drugs are bad, kids.

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